Childproofing Do’s and Don’ts: Stress-Free Home Preparation for a New Baby Childproofing Do’s and Don’ts: Stress-Free Home Preparation for a New Baby

Childproofing Do’s and Don’ts: Stress-Free Home Preparation for a New Baby

Having a baby is a beautiful and hectic experience. There is so much to plan and prepare for. As first-time parents, you and your partner may be wondering how best to get your home ready for your little one’s arrival.

While there’s much advice on what to buy and do, it can be overwhelming to keep track of it all and know how much is really necessary. Consider these three simple dos and don’ts on how best to get your home ready before your baby arrives.

Do seal danger zones first

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s important to remember, especially as the baby begins to grow. While it may be tempting to leave some baby-proofing for when your child is a little older, this can be dangerous, as it’s easy to miss vulnerable places in your home while you are extra busy caring for your little one.

Consider these baby-proofing tasks when prepping your space:

  • Seal all electrical outlets and ensure wires and plugs are tucked away out of reach.
  • Lock cabinets with toxic cleaning supplies or medicines and place dangerous substances on higher shelves away from curious hands.
  • Cushion or remove furniture with sharp edges to avoid any injury to a boisterous toddler.
  • Keep all sharp and dangerous kitchen appliances and tools high up on shelves and out of reach from everyone other than adults.
  • Install solid fencing or repair old fences to ensure your back garden is private and sealed properly for your wandering baby.

Babies grow out of their infant stage so quickly. Rolling turns to crawling, and crawling shifts to walking and before you know it, you are busier than ever running after a toddler. It’s too risky to save these tasks for later.

Prepare your fridge

If you’re someone who loves to cook, this could be a fun step. Remember, much of your time, energy, and brain space will be surrounded by taking care of your infant. With constant feedings, changing, and cuddles needed, there will be little time to properly prepare a meal for your family.

Try meal prepping in large batches and freezing them for simple reheating. Big batches of soup, a large lasagna, or a casserole are fantastic options to have that you can simply pop in an oven or crock pot and let heat before a meal.

If you’re breastfeeding, stock up on pumped breastmilk and freeze just before your due date. That way, on nights when you’ve had little sleep, your partner can help take shifts for feeding the baby as well.

Set up baby’s space

It is important not to leave this step until the last minute. Declutter any excess furniture or unnecessary belongings from your child’s nursery or set space. Wash ALL of their clothes, bedding, and towels before their arrival to ensure everything is clean and ready to use.

You can also take this time to disinfect surfaces, sterilise bottles, and install your car seat so everything is ready to go. Having these tasks out of the way will help you relax and fully enjoy bringing your bundle of joy home.

Don’t spend needlessly on gadgets and supplies

It’s important to remember that there are a ton of toys, products, and appliances that claim to be the next big thing for easy parenting. The Baby Product industry is worth about 67 billion US dollars, and they advertise countless amounts of products that really aren’t necessary for successful baby care.

Don’t fall for the trap of unnecessary spending. The basics of what you need are a cot, crib, pram, and car seat. Keep it simple and add fun accessories or toys over time on your terms.

Don’t neglect personal appointments

Visits to the dentist, hair appointments, and even vet visits for your furry friends are important to keep and get done before your trip to the hospital. There will be little time for these less urgent tasks when your calendar is filled with appointments for your infant.

Schedule your family for their check-ups, cleanings, and any personal health dates you need to feel your best entering into parenthood.

Don’t overplan your baby’s routine

This is the simplest and most important tip to remember. No amount of preparation can determine your baby’s sleeping schedule, your energy levels, or how your days will go. If you plan on breastfeeding, always have a backup plan in case latching becomes an issue.

Have more time set aside for rest and recovery than you think you need to ensure you have enough time to bond with your baby and heal. No plan is the only plan, so stay flexible and realistic.

Good luck!

Keeping in mind these dos and don’ts will help you to simplify your home preparation for your child’s arrival. Remember, it’s a learning curve for everyone involved, so do your best and enjoy every moment with your baby.

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