The star of Desperate Housewives, James Denton, went through some remarkable changes in his physique.
Before landing the role of Mike Delfino, Denton was facing health challenges. He had gained a lot of weight and was feeling concerned about it.
However, when the opportunity to play the main character in ABC’s comedy-drama came along, James decided to make some positive changes.
These changes included adopting a healthier routine and shedding those unwanted pounds. As a result, when James appeared in the series, many people had a hard time recognizing him because of his dramatic transformation, and it took them by surprise.
James mentioned, “Before playing Mike, I used to get roles as the bad guys, but this time, everything changed.”
His acting was so exceptional that Denton quickly won the hearts of thousands of viewers within just one season. So, you might be curious about what he did to lose weight. Let’s take a closer look at what we know about it.
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How Denton Lost Weight?

Before getting that role, James was struggling with his habits. He could not control his drinking habit, and pizza was his love. However, he got a purpose to change when he got the role. A goal is to leave all the bad habits behind and do some positive work.
In Denton’s own words, “I got the scene and spat out the pizza and threw the beer down, went straight to the gym.” This makes much sense. We don’t take things seriously until there are some responsibilities upon us.
There are very few people who are successful in making a healthy routine, but most of us lack discipline in our daily lives. However, the good news is that it can all be changed just by setting a goal.
James had this goal in his mind, which was “to play this role.” And he meant to avail this opportunity. He indeed got it.
Playing Mike in Desperate Housewives was a breakthrough for James. He gave up on junk food. And he also avoided drinking.
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How is Denton Now?
If you have not seen James in a long time, you might not even recognize him now because he has changed. In a period of 9 years, the actor seems to have gotten old. As for his physical fitness, he is not as fit as he was nine years old.
However, he is lucky as his wife is his trainer. So yeah, he does not have to worry much about getting back in shape.
Before & After Weight Loss

The pictures reveal everything. You can easily see the changes in James’s body. It’s a simple truth that we all have to grow older.
James wasn’t comfortable being shirtless
Even though James looked great in the show, he was not comfortable doing the scenes in which he had to do without a shirt.
Denton described the situation as “No, I was never okay with being shirtless. I spent most of my career playing bad guys until Housewives.”
He further said “Don’t get me wrong, I was happy being there but it was uncomfortable. That shirtless shot in the front yard follows me forever.”
James lives with his two sons and his wife, Erin O’Brien. He may not be in good shape right now. But he is working on his appearance along with his trainer. We must remember that times change, but we have to hold this together.
If things are not going in our favor, we must not give up. Instead, we must fight it back. That is the only way we can bring positive changes in our lives.