Simpson has had a deep love for singing since she was a child. She’s had a remarkably successful singing career, but it wasn’t always easy.
She encountered many challenges along the way, but she managed to conquer every single one of them. However, recently, Simpson has been dealing with a particularly unique challenge.
Jessica’s Weight Loss Journey
That challenge was her increasing weight. During the pregnancy of her third child, Jessica gained a huge amount of weight.
She knew that she had to lose weight but her pregnancy wasn’t letting her do so. So she waited for the birth.
After the birth, Jessica discussed the situation with her doctor and then embarked on the journey of weight loss.
Her weight loss has been a very remarkable one. Within months, Simpson lost about 100 pounds.
The thing that makes it more remarkable is that she has lost this weight by following a simple diet plan and some other subtle habits. Let’s dive into the details.

After giving birth to her third child, Jessica contacted the doctor and then on his advice contacted the weight loss program Weight Watchers (WW).
Besides that, her trainer, Harley Pasternak, has also helped her in losing extra pounds.
How did Jessica Lose 100 Pounds?
So, the question that most of Simpson’s fans ask is how did she do that. Well, the answer to this is very simple.
Jessica worked on her habits. She built a set of simple habits that helped her transform her life completely.
Those habits are the following:
1) A Healthy Diet Plan
With the help of her personal trainer, Harley Pasternak, Jessica prepared a diet plan that contained only 3 meals per day.
In this way, she kept from overeating as well as starving herself. Each meal includes protein, fiber, and fat.
The meals she chose to eat were from Harley’s book, Body Reset Diet. In this way, Simpson learned to balance.
If she spent some time at a party and ate there, she would then restrain herself from consuming further calories. You can easily find the book on Amazon.
2) Jessica Joined a Gym
Simpson would visit the gym along with her two trainers, Harley Pasternak, and Sydney Liebes.
They would instruct her separately. “I’ve been training for 10 years now and I have never been more excited for a client transformation” Sydney applauded Jessica’s efforts.
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3) Going for a Long Walk
When I say a long walk, I mean it. With the help of Harley, Jessica started walking for 2.5 miles every day.
However, with the passage of time, her stamina built and now she goes for walks as long as 7 miles. No doubt that Simpson ended up losing 100 pounds.
4) Getting a Good Sleep
As subtle as this habit looks like it is equally powerful. Jessica would sleep for at least 7 hours.
There are many benefits of good sleeping habits. It strengthens your heart, your immune system, and your memory, and getting enough sleep also saves you from gaining weight.
“So many people undervalue the importance of good sleep” complained Jessica’s trainer, Harley.
In this age of social media, staying up late at the night has become a routine. And there’s no proof that if a thing is routine then it must be healthy.
So, analyze your daily routine carefully. It might be robbing you of your energy.
Also Read: How Lorna Fitzgerald Lost Weight?
Before & After Weight Loss

Simpson has made an incredible achievement by losing over 100 pounds, going from 250 pounds to a healthier 140 pounds. She’s determined to maintain this weight by continuing her healthy habits.
Final Words
Jessica showed that she is a responsible person. She is not only a famous singer but also a responsible wife and mother.
Her weight loss journey reminds us that nothing is impossible. I hope that Simpson’s weight loss journey inspires you.
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