DJ Khaled before after weight loss DJ Khaled before after weight loss

DJ Khaled Weight Loss [2024]: Before and After

Khaled Mohammed Khaled, who goes by the name DJ Khaled, is a well-known American DJ, record producer, author, and sometimes a rapper. He first gained attention in the music world when he hosted a radio station called 99 Jamz back in the 1990s. In 2006, DJ Khaled released his first album titled “Listennn… the Album.”

For those of you who have been following DJ Khaled for a while, you might have noticed that he has always been on the heavier side. However, recently he surprised his fans by teaming up with WW (formerly known as Weight Watchers) and losing an impressive 43 pounds. Yes, you read that correctly—DJ Khaled is much slimmer now than he used to be.

So, why did he decide to shed those pounds? Well, it was because his doctor advised him to do so. The doctor was concerned that DJ Khaled was at risk of developing diabetes if he didn’t lose weight. And what better way to embark on a weight loss journey than by partnering with WW? In fact, Khaled even became the official ambassador for the company.

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DJ Khaled’s Weight Loss Journey

Khaled started his weight loss journey in December 2017. And within a couple of months, DJ was enjoying a far more healthy physique. Talking about his weight loss, he said that the main reason behind his weight loss was his family.

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DJ said that he didn’t care about his weight and appearance and that he only lost weight because he wanted to be there for his loved ones. “I have to love myself to take care of the people that I love,” DJ said, “It’s not a priority, it’s the only priority.”

How did DJ Khaled Lose Weight?

DJ Khaled weight loss

Khaled lost weight by maintaining a healthy diet. With the help of WW, he stayed away from unhealthy foods.

DJ followed WW’s freestyle diet program to get in better shape. Along with controlling his calorie intake, DJ also got involved in physical activities such as exercising.

DJ Khaled’s Diet Plan

To shed pounds, Khaled changed his diet plan. Whereas before he ate whatever he wanted, now DJ turned to a more disciplined and healthy diet. On the suggestion of WW, Khaled eliminated rice and bread completely from his diet.

Khaled described those two foods as his “weakness” but he had to let them go. He also reduced the processed sugar consumption from his diet. “I love pumpkin pie, I love sweet potato pie. Who doesn’t? But I touch that and it still pleases my taste buds,” he said. “I’m not gonna eat it seven days a week now. I might eat it once a week and it’s like a celebration.”

DJ started eating more of a plant-based diet. Talking about his dilemma at restaurants, Khaled said, “If I go to a restaurant, I’ll order what I love. But I’m going to think about every time I order something, know what I’m sayin’? If I order a cappuccino, it’s what’s that sugar called? It’s “stevia” instead of sugar, know what I’m sayin’? I eat more fish and salad.”

By following this healthy and more disciplined diet, DJ succeeded in getting rid of the extra pounds. Although with somewhat difficulties, he succeeded in sticking to a diet plan. However, things weren’t the same when it came to working out.

DJ Khaled’s Workout Plan

Although working out seems hard, Khaled is not stepping down. In fact, he starts his workout routine right after waking up in the morning.

DJ starts his day by walking for a mile. He also does cardio workouts. Khaled said that he worked out with his two-year-old son, Asahd.

“My son loves working out with me,” he said, “He loves to workout on his little toy bike right beside me. I feel like it’s my job as a parent and for the love of my son that I teach him everything correct.” To forget the workout’s difficulty, Khalid listens to music while exercising.

Before and After Weight Loss

DJ Khaled before after weight loss

After making some important changes to his daily life, Khaled saw some remarkable improvements in his physical health. He worked hard and successfully lost a total of 43 pounds, bringing his weight down from 293 pounds to 250 pounds.

This weight loss journey was a big achievement for him and showed how dedication and healthier choices can make a positive impact on a person’s well-being.

Khaled’s Take On Living Healthily

After shedding some pounds, DJ seems way healthier and more energetic than before. While talking about the meaning of happiness, Khaled said, “Healthy is not just eating well. Healthy being happy. Healthy’s having joy and love. That’s healthy.”

He added, “When you have all that connected in one, life is way better. It’s beautiful. You’re smiling, you’re laughing, you feel good, you love more.”

Also, read how to appear in the new season of The Stranger Things, David Harbour lost 75 pounds.

Final Words

Sure doing new things seems scary. It feels hard and sometimes it is hard. But if you are determined and consistent in what you are doing, nothing is impossible.

Just like what Khaled did when he was determined to shed pounds. His consistency gave the desired results.