Nicole is an American TV personality, socialite, and actress. She rose to prominence after appearing in the reality TV show, The Simple Life.
During the five years, duration of the show, Richie was the focus of the media’s attention. She worked alongside her childhood friend and fellow socialite, Paris Hilton.
As Nicole appeared in the third season of the show, fans noticed a significant change in her appearance. Richie had dropped a massive amount of weight. Given that Richie already had a slim figure, her new weight loss was somewhat worrying and shocking.
As it turned out, Nicole was struggling with an eating disorder, which resulted in considerable weight loss. It was a big shock for Nicole as her well-being was on the stack. “I know I’m too thin right now, so I wouldn’t want any young girl looking at me and saying, ‘That’s what I want to look like,’” Richie said about her condition.
Another reality show star, Nicole Nafziger, struggled with weight and underwent weight loss surgery.
Nicole Richie’s Weight Loss
Nicole’s sudden weight loss scared her. “I started seeing a nutritionist and a doctor,” she said. “I was scared that it could be something worse.” One of the main reasons behind Nicole’s weight loss was her indifference to eating.
She didn’t pay much attention to what she ate. In this way, Richie unconsciously robbed her body of energy and strength. However, as soon as she realized the problem, Richie reached out to the professionals for help. Nicole even sought the use of a psychiatrist and a personal trainer.
By seeking professional help, she got back to her previous good health. Richie made some huge changes to her diet. She started keeping track of what and how much she ate. Nicole also engaged in sporting activities. These activities had a profound effect on her health.
Richie’s Diet Plan
The first month of Richie’s diet was very busy. She was advised by her nutritionist to consume a good amount of food on a daily basis. Richie would start her day with two egg whites and a bowl of oatmeal along with a cup of coffee. Her lunch consisted of vegetables and fruits.
Nicole would eat a bowl of salad along with either fish or chicken, depending on her mood. And for dinner, she would choose from pasta and pizza. This was Richie’s diet plan for the first month. However, as she returned to her previous physique, she started reducing her calorie consumption.
But she still kept a record of whatever she ate throughout the day. By eating sufficient food and keeping track of what she ate, Richie succeeded in defeating her eating disorder. As of now, Nicole eats a healthy diet and doesn’t have to keep track of what she ate.
Richie’s Workout Plan
As mentioned earlier, to get back to a healthy physique, Richie started engaging in sports. She also joined the gym to gain muscles.
She played tennis and started swimming, which not only provided quality time with her friends but also contributed to her health.
Before & After Weight Loss

After developing an eating disorder, Richie experienced a significant loss of weight, shedding up to 50 pounds. This drastic change had a profound impact on her overall health. Her weight plummeted to a dangerously low 95 pounds.
To put this into perspective, Richie had previously weighed 145 pounds before her struggle with the eating disorder began. This dramatic weight loss highlighted the severity of her condition and its effect on her body.
Also, read about the weight loss journey of the Wicked Tuna star, TJ Ott.
Final Words
Losing weight can be equally dangerous as gaining weight. The key is moderation. We should focus on what is better for us.
By balancing her diet, Nicole has set a great example for everyone who suffers from an eating disorder. I hope her journey helps you in finding your way.