You might have heard of the basketball star from the Miami Heat, Jimmy Butler – he’s known for his amazing performance on the court. But did you know that he’s also quite impressive when it comes to his physical fitness?
People often wonder about Jimmy’s eating habits because he’s in such great shape. And recently, he managed to shed an impressive 12 pounds, which has made him even more of a household name.
What’s even more astonishing is that he managed to drop all this weight in just one week! Ethan J. Skolnick, who writes about the NBA, pointed out, “You might have noticed he looks a bit lighter. He actually lost more than twelve pounds in just about a week.”
Now, I know this might sound unbelievable to you. How could someone lose so much weight so quickly? Well, let’s dig into the details to learn more about how Jimmy takes care of his body and how he was able to achieve such an incredible weight loss in just seven days.
Jimmy’s Lifestyle

Being an athlete, Butler has to keep track of everything in his life. He can’t afford any risk to his health. In his interview with GQ, Butler was asked about his lifestyle, especially when he is not playing. Jimmy replied to the question as follows,
“I don’t really go ham like that in the offseason. We have this argument around here all the time. There are two types of eaters. Picky eaters and simple eaters. I’m a simple eater. I just want chicken, potatoes, and some type of green vegetable”.
Though he enjoys eating and drinking on some occasions with his friends and family, Butler remains most of the time very simple. He likes modesty in his eating menu. As mentioned by himself, most of Jimmy’s diet plan consists of vegetables.
He also eats a lot of fruits. In this way, he never feels the need to eat something unhealthy as fast food and fruits keep his body strong and healthy. However, there’s the weakness of Butler when it comes to food. It’s wine. He loves wine so much that no matter which country he visits, he tastes its wine first.
“My love for wine is so famous that no matter which country I visit, its people are like, ‘Let us show you what a real wine is’ It’s like everyone wants me to drink wine in their country and I can’t say no to it”, Butler said in his interview.
Jimmy’s Workout Routine

Jimmy has a healthy habit of waking up early every morning. He mentioned, “I believe it began when I started spending time with Wahlberg. He has a big impact on me.” Ever since his daughter was born, Jimmy mentioned that it “feels even more right.“
He explained that he goes to the gym in the morning and exercises there. After his workout, he enjoys spending quality time with his daughter. Thanks to this consistent and healthy routine, Butler has managed to maintain his physical fitness and overall well-being.
How did Jimmy Lose Weight?

Butler hasn’t officially shared how he lost the weight, but there are reports suggesting that he made big changes to his lifestyle during the offseason.
These reports say that Jimmy completely transformed his habits. When he had extra time in the offseason, he chose to spend it in the gym, working out for hours and trying out different exercises.
He also decided to avoid certain foods that could cause him to gain weight. Surprisingly, he even gave up his favorite drink, wine. By making these adjustments, Butler successfully shed some pounds and took his performance to a higher level.
While being stuck at home, the basketball coach, Brad Underwood, has lost a tremendous amount of weight.
Final Words
The way, Jimmy maintains his body is fantastic. He keeps track of things he eats and does. In this way, Butler maintains his body amazingly. If you find Jimmy’s way inspirational, you can follow him as you like.
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