Sara Haines Before & After weight loss Sara Haines Before & After weight loss

Sara Haines Weight Loss [2024]: Before & After

Sara Haines, a well-known American TV personality, has captivated audiences with her unique talents and enjoyed a successful career. She’s also found happiness in her marriage to Max Shifrin. However, one aspect of Sara’s life was in need of a change – her health.

In the past, Sara had grappled with obesity, and this challenge became particularly prominent during her pregnancies. As a mother of three children, she faced numerous struggles in this regard.

The turning point came in 2019 when Sara was expecting her youngest son, Caleb Joseph. Her weight had been on the rise, reaching an unhealthy level within a matter of weeks. While it’s normal for women to gain weight during pregnancy, Sara’s situation was unique.

As we mentioned earlier, Sara had long battled obesity, so when she became pregnant, her weight essentially doubled. The significant increase in weight wasn’t solely due to pregnancy; she also experienced heightened hunger during this time, leading her to consume more calories.

The good news is that Sara Haines made a resolute decision to tackle her obesity head-on. She embarked on a journey to shed those extra pounds and regain her health. Let’s delve into her inspiring journey and discover how she achieved this remarkable transformation.

How did Sara lose weight?

sara haines weight loss journey

After pregnancy, Sara embarked on the journey of weight loss. She said, “I wanted to fix it once and for all”. Fans were going mad when she finally came in public. It was very different to see the new Sara in perfect shape. Her method of weight loss is very healthy and quite impressive.

Haines worked on her eating habits. She gave up unhealthy food and substituted it with healthy food. Haines also developed a habit of working out daily. Sara’s diet and workout plan are discussed in detail below:

Diet Plan

Before starting the weight loss journey, Sara would consume a lot of unhealthy food. She knew and also emphasized the importance of healthy eating. However, she couldn’t follow it. In fact, Sara knew what was better for her, however, she didn’t know how she should do it.

After searching about plenty of weight loss methods, Haines came over the Paleo diet. She found it very interesting and easy to follow.

The Paleo diet is a combination of food that human beings ate by hunting and gathering before the Agriculture revolution. Approximately 10,000 years ago.

A Paleo Diet includes fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, lean meats, and seeds. Sara avoided the consumption of grains as much as possible. With all this healthy eating, Haines soon overcame obesity and positively transformed her body.

Find out how the famous TV personality, Rachael Ray, has lost 40 pounds.

Workout Plan

Haines also practiced yoga. Besides Yoga, she also did cardio workouts. Sara would start her day by running for half an hour daily.

She didn’t join a gym because of her responsibilities as a mother but she did all kinds of workouts at her home.

Sara about her Weight loss Journey

Sara Haines Before & After weight loss

“Well, I always tried to be mindful of my weight during pregnancy because I knew the old saying: ‘You’re eating for two.’ But I made sure that I didn’t put on too much,” Sara commented during an interview when discussing her weight loss journey.

Dealing with the Body-Shaming Comments

Unfortunately, Sara had to face some negative comments regarding her weight. But she is a very brave lady and doesn’t give much care to such people. The only thing Sara wrote in reply was, “I love the way I am. And grateful for being the mother of 3 children”.

Final Words

Sara Haines has overcome obesity. In fighting obesity, Sara realized that was obsessing over this thing too much. She is now very confident and comfortable with her real self.

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