The American songwriter, Jazmine, has shocked her fans. Sullivan has recently lost 50 lbs. The American singer started a weight loss journey because of multiple reasons.
When Jazmine shared a photo of her slimmer body, she faced backlash from fans. People started criticizing Sullivan, saying “weren’t you comfortable with your body?” and “This decision was not good at all”.
In response to these critics, Sullivan posted on her Instagram that she underwent weight loss to support her mother through cancer treatment.
She also shared another photo promoting her next upcoming single “Lost Ones”. Even after sharing the reason for her sudden weight loss Sullivan still received comments like “you lost weight to look good in your new song? Good luck.”
Jazmine responded to criticism in the following way “Last week some people dragged me saying I look sickly. I’m honestly a size 12. There is nothing skinny about me but my neck. I’m 5’8, however, so I sometimes photograph a little leaner than I am. But I ain’t skinny and that was never my goal.”

Sullivan clarified “My goal was to support my mother through her battle with cancer. In turn, it helped me as well and I feel really good.”
So, the next favorite question of fans was “How?”. How did Sullivan manage to lose 50 lbs within months? While Jazmine’s mother’s chemotherapy was going she decided to lose weight and did it.
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How did Sullivan lose weight?
The American star said, “I went full vegan with my mother.” She didn’t become all vegan but avoided meat consumption very much.
The step she took for her mother won the hearts of thousands of people. And as Sullivan said, “It helped me as well.” Indeed it helped her a lot.
A vegan diet proves to be very healthy for anyone who adopts it. Becoming Vegan not only gives benefits to us it is also very beneficial for our planet as well. Following a Vegan diet will reduce pollution and will stop climate change.
The World Health Organization (WHO) also promotes the idea of being vegan. Jazmine also found it effective and followed a vegan diet much of the time. She also started doing workouts in the gym. And within months Jazmine lost 50 pounds. Isn’t it a big deal? Here are her diet and workout plans.
Diet Plan
Sullivan does not shy from sharing her diet and workout plans publicly. That is how we know about Jazmine’s diet plan.
She said in an interview “Most of the time I was busy with trying to learn some new recipe. I would practice a new recipe every next day. So it turned out that I have learned a bunch of new dishes along the way.”
Jazmine also shared her homemade recipes on Instagram. She kept sharing what she ate so anyone could benefit from it.
Sullivan shared snapshots of Dairy-Free Pizza with mushrooms, Cauliflower rice with chana masala, Hummus with spelled chickpea flour crackers, Vegan style tacos, and many more. Here is what you should know about these healthy dishes.
Dairy-Free Pizza

The dairy-free pizza is basically a cheese-free pizza. As you can see many different vegetables are used in making this pizza. It includes mushrooms, peppers, tomatoes, olives, and onions. This can be a very good choice especially if you are a pizza lover. As it seems Sullivan substituted her daily chicken pizza with this veggie pizza.
Cauliflower rice with chana masala

Cauliflower rice is basically an Indian dish. As India is known for its vegan-friendly dishes this dish will prove to be very efficient in losing weight.
Chana literally means “Chickpea” in Hindi. The ingredients of this dish are very simple all you need is cauliflower rice, chickpea, and ‘Garam Masala’. Garam Masala is basically a mixture of spices that you can easily find in any utility store.
Hummus with spelled chickpea flour crackers

Another dish that Sullivan loved a lot was “Hummus”. This dish is also a traditional one. Hummus is a Middle Eastern dish. This is a sign of joy in the Middle East. Jazmine would have hummus with chickpea crackers. This is extremely delicious.
Vegan style taco

The Vegan style taco Jazmine ate would be made of corn, black beans, avocado and veggies, and sour cream. Sullivan enjoyed this dish with grilled vegetables and salsa. Doesn’t the photo tell the deliciousness of this dish?
With all these healthy and tasty dishes, Sullivan never found herself craving non-vegan products. There are many other vegan dishes as well that you can eat if you want to follow a vegan diet plan.
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Workout Plan
Along with eating healthy vegan dishes, Jazmine also kept herself busy with a physical workout. In the morning after having breakfast, Sullivan would go for a walk with her mother.
She has a very strong bond of love with her mother. The American songwriter also started doing other workouts such as lifting weights, squats, lunges, and plank. With the healthy vegan diet and all this workout, great results were inevitable.
Before & After Weight Loss

The singer Jazmine has made significant improvements to her health. She used to weigh 230 pounds, but now she has successfully shed 50 pounds, bringing her current weight down to 180 pounds. This remarkable weight loss journey has led to a healthier and happier Jazmine.
Jazmine’s comment on her Weight Loss Journey
On her Instagram, Sullivan described her journey and her love for her mother as follows “I am satisfied with who I am. I have a lot of things to work on in my journey and I’m not nearly the model for health and fitness. But I’m trying and I’ll continue to do so with my momma! Bless y’all. Love y’all.” In the end, she said jokingly “And stop talking about people and vote in November!”
Jazmine has learned not to pay attention to the people who always look for faults in others. She seems to be very happy with her new self. And that is what it is all about.
We think about other people’s opinions a lot. And because of it we never pay enough attention to our health.
There is a great lesson to be learned from Sullivan’s effort. She focused on her life and on her family. We have to give credit to Jazmine that she took this major step to support her mother. I hope that Sullivan’s mother will get well soon.
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