Kevin Before and After Weight Loss Kevin Before and After Weight Loss

Kevin James Weight Loss 2024: Before & After

James had been struggling with his heavyweight, which made his job as a producer really tough. But he reached a point where he decided it was time for a change, and he took action. Kevin James managed to shed an impressive 80 pounds by sticking to a consistent workout routine and a straightforward diet.

Now, let’s dig deeper and discover the details of his workout and diet plan, as well as the challenges and experiences Kevin went through on his journey to better health.

Weight Loss Journey

James has struggled a lot with his weight. He has lost weight in the past multiple times. But it does not seem to work very well.

Whenever James lost weight, he gained more than that. Which only made the situation worse. One thing that was contributing a lot to all this, was his love for food.

James had a very bad habit when it came to food. He just could not resist it at all. Well, thanks to his food-loving habit, he was somehow always stuck around 300 pounds.

In 2011 during the shoot of “Here comes the Boom” Kevin James made some serious decisions about his weight.

Kevin James Wife

He started working with the former UFC champion, Bas Rutten. Which no doubt was a great choice, after all, who knows better about burning calories than a UFC champion?

He lost 40 pounds which contributed a lot to his acting. It became so easy for him to perform on the set. As soon as the shooting was done, James was again on squire 1, 300 pounds.

He said about it as “I got on the scale and it read 290 pounds, 290 pounds! Not good, not good at all.” But the good thing about James was that he would not give up so easily.

In 2016, after getting tired of his growing weight. James started working out on his appearance. At that time James was again 300 pounds. He has lost a notable amount of weight.

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How James lose weight?

In 2011, during the acting of “Here Comes the boom”, Kevin worked very hard, the UFC fighter, Rutten did not let him waste the time. And the results were outstanding.

However, this time, James did not take any help from a UFC fighter or wrestler but nevertheless, he did a very hard job in order to cut loose pounds.

When James came with a new appearance, rumors spread about how he lost weight. Some mentioned that he had undergone surgery.

However, there was not any surgery involved in James’ weight loss. He has done that only and solely but doing hard work.

James, first of all, overcame his bad habit of eating (we will talk about it later in detail) and then he followed a well-planned diet plan. He also burned calories by doing intense workout sessions.

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Diet Plan

James was a very big fan of fast food. He loved eating pizza and hamburgers. However, after a lot of time, he finally realized that his love for food was not doing any good to him.

Rather it was slowing him down. As mentioned earlier, James struggled a lot with his habit of eating. For a month he would avoid junk food but then again he would find himself eating a hamburger or taking a slice of pizza.

He took charge of his body and eliminated all bad eating habits. James started eating healthy food. This time James’ commitment to his plan was very strong. Nobody saw him near any junk food.

James avoided eating meat a lot. He ate only vegetables most of the time. James also substituted green tea with milk tea. Here are a few tips that you would do great by following:

Eat a lot of fruits. If possible don’t eat meat. Eating vegetables is a very healthy and effective way of losing weight.

Don’t avoid eating as it will only make things worse. Get daily calories that a human body needs a day. Enjoy your weight loss journey, not make it a punishment for yourself.

James’ diet plan was simple, he gave up on all unhealthy stuff, from junk food to drinking. However, he started eating meat when he got results. But he eats such food only sometimes.

If you are struggling with your weight a lot. You can be strict about your diet but after knowing that you have done a great job, you can enjoy sometimes a meal with your friend at McDonald’s.

But only sometimes. Remember, Life is all about enjoying the moment. Or you can change your friends’ minds by having them salad for a meal.

The point here is, whenever people hear about diet plans they think about putting themselves under some kind of a curfew, where they take a vow not to eat any nice thing.

As mentioned before, you can enjoy such food sometimes. When you have gotten over obesity.

Workout Plan

James went to the gym where he did cycling exercises. During his work with Bas Rutten, James has done a lot of workouts. He would do all kinds of cardio workouts.

This time, James was much slower on the workout. Probably because this time he did not have any UFC fighter to make him do work. But he did what he had to do. James would also go for a morning walk. After walking for half an hour he would go to the gym.

James’ workout routine is very healthy and helpful for anyone who is looking forward to losing some pounds.

However, you can also take the help of the ancient practice, Yoga. It helps in calming your mind down. Then you can focus on your goal more properly.

How much weight has James lost?

The American comedian, Kevin James has lost 80 pounds. Which is his biggest achievement in his weight loss journey.

Since transforming his body, Kevin is now more caring about what he eats. He now avoids fast food. He has also continued the healthy routine of working out.

Before and After Weight Loss

Kevin Before and After Weight Loss

Take a look at James’ photos to see the incredible transformation he achieved through his determination. Back in 2016, before he embarked on his weight loss journey, James tipped the scales at a hefty 290 to 300 pounds.

But thanks to his commitment to better eating habits and daily workouts, he has successfully shed the extra weight and now weighs around 220 pounds. It’s truly a remarkable change that showcases what can be achieved with hard work and dedication.

Early Life

James is a multi-talented person. He is a comedian, actor, screenwriter, and producer. James was born on 26th April 1965. His birth name is Kevin George knifing. James was born in Mineola, New York as a second son. His parents are Joseph Knipfing and Janet.

James married Steffiana de la Cruz on 19th June 2004. They have four kids and are living happily together.

James went to Ward Melville High School. His primary interest was in wrestling. For that purpose, he participated in multiple competitions.

James wrestled with Mick Foley, who is now a professional wrestler. They are friends since that time. However, an injury caused James to step back from wrestling. James and Foley together attended the State University of New York.

Another injury finally caused James to give up on his dream of sports. However, James was a funny guy since his school days. He started performing comedy on different stages.

His career started in 1989. When he started performing stand-up comedy in the East Side Comedy Club. James has also worked with Netflix as a comedian.

James also started acting on different platforms. His first acting opportunity came in 1991 when he was offered a job on The New Candid Camera.

Since then James has played different roles. He has worked in The Dilemma, Zookeeper, Here Comes the Boom, Sandy Wexler, and many others.


If we analyze James’ story more closely we can take many lessons from it. First of all, it tells us how we might end up if we don’t change our bad habits. It also tells how we can change our world totally if we implement healthy habits in our daily lives.

Obesity is becoming one of the big problems of today’s modern world. From the delicious fast food to our cozy couches so many factors contribute to it.

But in the end, only we can change it. I hope that James’ story would help you in determining what is best for you.

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