Lenny Henry before after weight loss Lenny Henry before after weight loss

Lenny Henry Weight Loss 2024: Diet, Workout, Before and After

The British comedian and actor, Henry, has achieved fame through his dedicated hard work and undeniable talent. He’s left audiences in awe with his astonishing performances in TV shows like “Chef” and “The Magicians,” establishing himself as a force to be reckoned with in the world of entertainment.

However, amidst his flourishing career, there was a significant obstacle—his health. As Henry’s workload piled up, he lost sight of his well-being, and his weight began to soar. In just a matter of months, he found himself struggling to perform at his best.

The consequences of his weight gain extended beyond mere discomfort; in 2014, he received a diagnosis that shook him to the core—diabetes. The primary culprit behind this diagnosis was his escalating weight.

This revelation served as a wake-up call for Henry. He understood that he needed to take action to shed those extra pounds for the sake of his health. With this determination, he embarked on a journey towards weight loss, ultimately achieving remarkable results. So, how did he manage to achieve this transformation? Let’s delve into the details.

Read about the American comedian, James Corden‘s stunning weight loss journey: How did he lose 28 pounds?

Lenny Henry’s Weight Loss Journey

Lenny Henry weight loss

Lenny’s weight loss journey started right after his diagnosis of diabetes. Doctors told him to stay away from unhealthy food or he would have to deal with more problems. Henry was advised to not consume sugar at all, which proved very hard at first.

Being a fan of sweetness, Lenny had a really hard time restraining himself. However, as time passed, Lenny learned how to put an end to his craving. After all, it was the question about his increasing weight and health. 

Read, how Lenny describes the experience, “I’ve lost between two-and-a-half stone, I was big. You’ve got to eat no sugar and drink hardly any alcohol and all the stuff you like”, Henry said, “You can’t Hobnob your way through the day”.

He put an end to meat consumption for almost 2 months. Instead of it, Lenny would have green vegetables and fruits. He ate a lot of broccoli to lose weight. Henry continued to describe his diet plan as “Well, it’s eating broccoli and not much else. I’ve also been running a lot. It has worked”.

Lenny also joined a gym where he would lift weights and would do hard-core exercise 6 days a week, leaving only Sunday. At first, he faced a lot of problems in adopting the gym’s routine.

However, as time passed, Henry started doing workouts for as long as 4 hours a day. That had a tremendous effect on his body which was becoming healthier with each passing day.

Before & After Weight Loss

Lenny Henry before after weight loss

Henry has made a significant change in his life by losing an impressive 42 pounds (equivalent to 3 stone). His current weight stands at 185 pounds. It’s quite a remarkable achievement considering that Lenny used to weigh 227 pounds. The transformation he’s undergone is truly noteworthy.

Find out how, similarly to Lenny, the comedian, Bruce Bruce lost 40 pounds.

Final Words

The phrase, Health is Wealth, has become a cliche that we often say without even giving a thought to its meaning.

As Henry’s story totally demonstrates, we should take care of our health while being busy in our everyday life. Lenny, after struggling for months, learned that health really is wealth. I hope that this story was enough to prove it. Stay safe, stay healthy/wealthy.

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