Meet Jacob Lowe, better known to many as “Buck.” You might remember him from his exciting adventures on the TV show Mountain Monsters. But guess what? Buck has been taking a break from the small screen lately.
Now, you might be wondering why fans are talking about him. Well, it’s because something pretty cool has been happening during his time away.
Buck has undergone an amazing transformation! He’s shed a bunch of weight and is looking healthier than ever. And guess what else? He’s been putting his energy into acting.
So, let’s dive into this story of Buck’s journey to a healthier life and his exciting acting career!
How did Jacob lose weight?

Jacob keeps his personal life a secret. So, there is not much information available about his weight loss. However, I’ll share the whole available information with you.
Lowe (Buck) started his weight loss journey when the doctor told him that he needed to lose some pounds. Because it was crucial for his health.
After hearing the news from the doctor, Lowe embarked on the journey of weight loss. He avoided all junk food that might have made the situation worse. He started going for a walk daily early in the morning. Lowe limited the consumption of meat and dairy products.
He started consuming fruits in great quantity. Jacob also joined a gym where he would mostly lift weights and do cardio. With the passage of time, he improved his health and now is in good condition.
There are other celebrities who lost weight to live a healthy life, such as Sam Larson, Kielyn Marrone, Callie Russell, David McIntyre, and Biko Wright Weight Loss Journey. They were also participants in the show called ‘Alone‘.
How much weight did Jacob lose?

If you’ve been a long-time follower of Lowe, you’ll notice a striking difference between the old and new Jacob.
He’s actually shed over 30 pounds since his doctor recommended it, which is quite an impressive feat. What’s even more remarkable is that he’s still on that weight loss journey, making progress with each passing day.
Jacob Lowe is showing us that with determination, you can achieve your health goals and keep getting better!
Where is Jacob now?
As of now, Jacob is living a healthy and well-balanced life. He is limiting drinking and carb consumption. However, much of what Lowe is doing right now is not known, he wants to keep things to himself.
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